Sign in The egg will then start to hatch, which will take a while. I don't have any real source for this so if someone who knew more could explain that could be great. Both or the Fire Dragon genders have their own corresponding armor and tool sets most likely due to the fact that both the genders vary so differently in coloration. I don't want dragon eggs to be a common drop because that just decreases their worth, and I also don't want everybody to have a dragon at the beginning of the game. To spawn a Forest dragon place your egg in a 3x3 square of leaves.

It will then follow and protect you like other pets. Cheats Cookie Notice Also, the player can right-click the dragon with a Boneto let him sit down or get up again. Dragonrend's weaken effect lowered to 25% from 50%. To spawn an Ender dragon, place the dragon egg anywhere. I tried pressing R key like in the original mod but nothing happens. NEW DRAGONS, READY FOR YOU TO HATCH AND RIDE! Once fostered and tamed, theyll be your faithful companion in all situations and, of course, can be used for a ride! The Aether dragon breathes fire. (I apologize for the delay, as I am undergoing school currently), the original dragon mounts always had eggs spawning in chests that are in dungeons/mineshafts but i believe they were rarer to find then they are now, eggs dont seem to be inside village or pillager outpost chests from what ive seen but i found a mob spawner that had 2 ender eggs and a water egg in the chests and i also found another ender egg and a couple of fire eggs in a few end dungeon/fortress chest so i think the spawning is a little broken i also know that the eggs just dont spawn in villages or pillager outposts and like to spawn in underground dungeons/mineshafts/spawners if this is any help at all. After 20 minutes, a dragon baby will hatch.